LOL Capital is an independent investment firm specializing in cryptocurrency and metaverse. Our vision is to truly achieve “Experience to earn” by initiating a fascinating journey in the crypto world. Owning abundant resources and powerful assets in capital, community and exchange, we can benefit investees with all-round support.

Acting as an irreplaceable bridge between the West and the East, we hold long-term prospects in investment. We are always happy to grow together with our project parties.

LOL Capital 是一家專注於虛擬貨幣、元宇宙的投資公司。我們的成立宗旨是開展一段crypto世界有趣且興奮的旅程,真正做到”experience to earn”。 LOL 可以從資本、社群、交易所等方面,給予被投方全方位的支持,也有著得天獨厚的資源優勢成為中西方項目的橋樑,作為一個長期主義的投資基金,和項目方共同成長是我們最開心的事。歡迎聯絡交流。



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